Addressing environmental challenges through the improvement of industrial value chains
Addressing environmental challenges through the improvement of industrial value chains

A group of funds

Powering and feeding the World

  • BioEnergies
  • Food Security
  • Natural resources

Impact & ESG aligned investments

Promoting and monitoring innovative and sound practices through a direct partcipation in the projects.
Each domain or geographical area is served by a dedicated segregated fund under our global management.

Supporting green global value chains,

by financing bioenergies and natural resources export platforms

Industrial grade performances & Environmentally sound practices

The FourBirds concept was born through the mutual aspiration of highly proficient entrepreneurs, sharing a common vision of the path to a more sustainable world. A pivotal element to the Fund’s unwavering performance, is the contribution of Industrial sponsors that cumulate technological and commercial expertize in bioenergies, mining and agriculture.
This expertize, combined with constant innovation, brings an immediate and large scale answer to the most critical environmental and social challenges faced nowadays by the Earth and its living world.

Benefiting from a board of executive members with an incomparable cumulus of experience in various industries, and of the continuous operational support of leading industries, the Four Birds Funds offer total control on investments.

  • Complete control of value chains
  • Industrial grade practices
  • Established export platforms
  • Technical Proficiency
  • International presence

Submitting your project, Partnering with us...

We are always glad to cooperate with companies, entrepreneurs, development agencies, members of the civil society, proposing impact projects or willing to improve practices and environmental conditions.
We are seeking 10 - 100 MEUR projects related to agriculture, bioenergies, green energy production, water reclamation.

Who we are :

SCSp with reference LEI : 22210069KVDF6WJEHV48, registered in Luxembourg.
The General Partner of the fund is 4B Management SA, 2 Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte - L 1330 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered in Luxembourg
The Administrative agent of the Fund is OWL ADVISORY SA, 2 Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte L1330 Luxembourg, registered in Luxembourg
The AIFM of of the Fund is OWL INCLUSIVE SA, 2 Boulevard Grande Duchesse Charlotte L1330 Luxembourg :

According to Appendix II of the LPA, the fund will comply with the Luxembourg and U.E. legislation and commit to non mandatory standards as follow :

  • AML/CTF regulation according to CSSF guidelines
  • UN156, UN138, ILO111, UN182, ILO155
  • UNEP mercury free conventions
  • UE 92-43 EEC + 2000/60/EC 2008/105/EC and 2013/39/EU
  • OECD due diligence for responsible supply chains of Minerals from conflict and high risk areas 2013
Each investment will include an ESG / KPI assessment according to guidelines from EFFAS.


Number of active SubFunds


active on 2024.12.01

We Improve Global value chains to match ESG standards
We protect Humid zones
We protect Water resources
We rehabilitate land and forest
We promote education
We Improve sustainability in mining & farming

Sponsor :

FourBirds Impact Funds SCSp. 2bd grande duchesse charlotte / Luxembourg - LEI : 22210069KVDF6WJEHV48
Fund ISIN Class Status link
Biofuels & BioEnergiesLU2581847774 BIOEN- INST-USD-1-15 Active
Biofuels & BioenergiesLU2581847691 BIOEN-REG-USD-2-20 Active
Extractive and Natural resourcesLU2581847857 EXTRACTIVEANDNATURALRESOURCES-REG-1.5-20 Active
Athena Gold LU2692275675 4BAGOLD-USD-2-20 Active
Athena Gold LU2692275758 4BAGOLD-AED-2-20 Active
FourBirds Impact Funds SCSp.
LEI : 22210069KVDF6WJEHV48
Fund ISIN link
AGOLD LU2692275675
AGOLD LU2692275758

anticipated size of the 4B SubFunds after deployment in MUSD
size of the 4B SubFunds as of 2024/12/01 in MUSD

anticipated annual yield : Years 1-3

Our group of companies also runs direct impact initiatives around the world:

October 2024 : Participation in HXELABS

HXE Labs specialises in the design, commissioning and operation of bioRefineries producing hydrotreated vegetal oil (HVO), synthetic paraffinic kerosene (SPK). The HSBH-MCT process opens the door to the usage of solid waste biomass.

July 2024 : Investment in HESTIA GOLD refining

HESTIA is a refinery based in the UAE offering a fair cooperation scheme to legal miners operating with sound practices.

April 2023 : Proteins and crude bio oil plant

Launching forestudies for the creation of a new vegetal waste valorization plant in the UAE.

January 2023 : Nordic and Desert Gardens

Initiative to promote sustainable farming practices and create new farming facilities in northen territories and arabic countries

October 2022 : Green Guinea, Blue Niger Initiative

Olimining Global LTD and Olimining Guinea SARL, participated in various studies aiming to rebuild humid areas and natural areas along the river Niger, protecting 110 millions people.

January 2022 : 4B-BSBIOS Ethical Farming

Promoting sustainable farming through land rehabilitation and production of 2nd and 3rd generation feedstock for biofuels production in complement of traditionnal crops production in Latin America

April 2021 : Ghana Gold Expo Digital Initiative

Promoting education and sustainability practices through the digitalization of mining settlements and mining GVC

March 2021 : Pamir region EcoTourism development

The Eurasia Industries group supports the Pamir Central Asia EcoTourism Initiative in Tadjikistan, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan

August 2020 : Ghana : Mercury removal potable water

The Olimining Company signed an agreement with the Government of Ghana Western region to treat surface water using RO systems and aggregate Mercury using graphene